Free Kitten
On 8/10/2014 9:39 AM, Nancy Young wrote:
> On 8/10/2014 10:33 AM, Janet Wilder wrote:
>> On 8/9/2014 9:40 PM, Nancy Young wrote:
>>> I love that. And maybe that way, once everything is said and
>>> done, your daughters will still be sisters to each other. That's
>>> the best inheritance.
>> Unfortunately, I lost my youngest in an auto accident in 1996.
> Foot, meet mouth.
> I'm terribly sorry, I thought this was a relatively recent
> thing with the will.
> > There is
>> only one daughter left and three granddaughters. I left my jewelry to
>> her, but I know she will be generous in sharing it with the
>> granddaughters, maybe even the two step-granddaughters, is they remain
>> in touch.
> So you're not like this woman I once worked with, she had
> tons of expensive jewelry, huge diamonds ... and insists she
> will be buried with it all. Leave it to her daughters? Nope,
> buried with it.
> nancy
There is no way, that I would be buried wearing my jewelry, I'm being
cremated, but still, that is such a waste.
We will not be having any grandchildren, so I am not sure who I should
leave my jewelry, antiques, china cabinet, cedar chest, curio cabinet,
etc. to, since my children do not seem very interested. The last time my
firstborn here, I showed him the bookcase with a glass front, where his
great-grandfather stored his law books, and it would look nice in his
home office, but he was not interested in the least. We even offered to
deliver. I might leave all of this to my hairdresser - really.