On 8/10/2014 8:35 AM, sf wrote:
> On Sun, 10 Aug 2014 07:08:35 -1000, dsi1
> > wrote:
>> A few years ago, there was a craze in Japan to have a hibachi party in
>> your car. Mostly teens and young adults would have suicide pacts and 2
>> or 3 of them would start a hibachi fire in a car and die from CO
>> poisoning. Recreational suicide as a fad has quelled some but hibachi
>> suicide is probably still a popular method in Asia. I think they even
>> have warning labels on charcoal bags. It'll never be a very popular
>> method on the US because American grills just won't fit.
> It's a very sad commentary when groups of young people are so stressed
> and depressed that they feel the need to commit suicide en mass. 
They're raised in a culture that doesn't view suicide the way we do. The
older generations consider it a way to save face and atone for your
wrongdoings. It's origins probably dates back to the warrior code of the
samurais which was really of a tool of the warlords as a way of keeping
their troops in line and loyal to their family. These days it's not
unusual for disgraced Japan politicians to kill themselves to rectify
being caught in the act. It's a practice that I wish our elected
officials would adopt. :-)
The younger generation probably kill themselves because they feel
alienated in a society that stresses uniformity and unity.