In > heyjoe > writes:
> Then I looked at the ingredients in the recipe and what you actually
> used. With sweet milk, which lacks the acid of buttermilk or yogurt,
> you don't need, nor want, baking soda. Leave out the baking soda when
> you use sweet milk.
Good to know!
> One last thought - flour can go rancid, too. How old is your flour?
> How do you store it?
I considered that, but the third batch turned out fine, and that was
made with the same flour. Expiration date is May of next year. I
store it in the pantry, in the original bag with the top folded down.
> When all your ingredients are fresh and you still detect a bitter taste,
> add 1 TBSP of sugar to your dry ingredients.
> Side note - that's more salt than I like in my biscuits, but was not the
> cause of the bitter taste.
I made it once with a full tsp and it was too salty, and since then I
have used about 3/4 tsp.
Thanks again for your help.
John Gordon Imagine what it must be like for a real medical doctor to
watch 'House', or a real serial killer to watch 'Dexter'.