Not Cooking
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Not Cooking
On 8/10/2014 5:30 PM,
> On Sun, 10 Aug 2014 16:35:19 -0600, Mayo > wrote:
>> On 8/10/2014 3:22 PM,
>>> On Sun, 10 Aug 2014 14:41:01 -0600, Mayo > wrote:
>>>>> Sheldon as much as called me a prostitute because my SO is named John.
>>>>> He said "she has "jonns". If that's not making up slanderous stuff, I
>>>>> don't know what is. So yes, I lash back. But what I say about him
>>>>> isn't invented. I'll continue to do so as long as he says things like
>>>>> that about me.
>>>>> Jill
>>>> It is possible he was lampooning you and you overreacted?
>>> How is that lampooning as opposed to being downright stupid and
>>> unutterably rude ?
>> Humor is in the perception of the humorist and his audience.
> Odd that only he, and you ?, find it humorous.
I wouldn't "find it humorous" personally, but if you read his last post
you can see he seems to find that style humorous.
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