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Default REQ: Kan Siu beef recipe

On 5/12/2014 4:10 PM, Sqwertz wrote:
> On Mon, 12 May 2014 13:58:05 +0200, Ianlechef wrote:
>> On 25/03/2014 03:33, Sqwertz wrote:
>>> On Mon, 24 Mar 2014 18:07:24 -0700 (PDT),
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Wednesday, September 29, 1999 3:00:00 AM UTC-4, Karen Otto wrote:
>>>>> I'm looking for a recipe for a Chinese dish called Kan Siu beef (pronounced
>>>>> Can Shaw, apparently). The version I had was very thin strips of beef
>>>>> (approx. julienned) with julienned carrots and snippets of green onion.
>>>>> It might have been twice cooked until the sauce was absorbed. It was not
>>>>> hot, but quite flavorful, so it was more than just soy sauce.
>>>>> Any ideas?
>>>> I know it has hoisen sauce in it I am looking as well
>>> OK, lets revive a 15 year old thread...
>>> "Kan SHAO"[1] (notice the spelling) is a more obscure term for "Gan
>>> Bian"[2] style cooking, which refers to a Sichuan "dry-cooking"
>>> technique: Optionally par-cooking something VIA steaming or frying in
>>> oil first, but then transferring to a wok with very minimal oil and
>>> sauces and stir-frying until there is practically no moisture left in
>>> the dish. A classic example of this is the common Sichuan dry-fried
>>> long green beans that most people are familiar with, and that appear
>>> on many menus.
>>> Once you know how to spell it properly and it's alternate name, you'll
>>> find a enough recipes to get you started.
>>> Fuscia Dunlop has several "gan bian" style recipes in her book,
>>> including this one for beef:
>>> (need to add chile oil or flakes)
>>> References:
>>> [1] The Gourmet Regional Chinese Cookbook; Lee and Lee, 1976
>>> [2] Land of Plenty; Dunlop, 2001
>>> -sw

>> > Fuscia

>> Mind you, searching with the correct first name "Fuschia" might get
>> better hits.
>> (if we're being snarky/helpful)

> There was no snarkyness intended in my post, asshole. As for the typo
> and your spelling flame, there was no reason to spell it right since I
> graciously included the link the recipe.
> This is whet you get when you post something helpful to the group:
> Once narcissistic ****er from Australia and some other petty
> petite piqûre from France, both who want to start ****ing matches.
> It's no wonder there are very few and far between serious food
> discussions here, and that is completely dead.
> -sw

Another group you and Marty have killed off, isn't it?