Thread: Free Kitten
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Doris Night Doris Night is offline
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Default Free Kitten

On Sun, 10 Aug 2014 18:17:52 -0400, Nancy Young
> wrote:

>I wonder what will happen to the curved glass/clawfoot china
>cabinet that my mother has at her place. It's been in the family
>for however long. Who has room for such a thing? Well, my brother
>does, and it would go great in his house, but with kids running around,
>seems dangerous. Anyway, that's what comes to my mind when I think
>of that, what will happen to possessions.
>> I might leave all of this to my hairdresser - really.

>Why not. Anyone who appreciates it and wants it.

When my dad died two years ago, one of the things he left behind was a
teak secretary desk, about 50 years old. It was almost a part of him -
he had stuff sorted the way he wanted, there were clips hanging with
things that only he could know the meaning of, and the drawers were
full of mystery papers.

We ended up with this desk at our house, and we had no interest in
keeping it (we already had a lot of stuff from the estate to deal

As it happened, the house next door to us had recently changed hands,
and the new owners were looking for furniture. We gave them Dad's
desk, and it fit beautifully in a little corner in their living room.
It looked like it was meant to be there. I'm happy we gave it to them
because the desk looks like it's glad to be there. Also, I can see it
every time I go to their house. This would not be the case if we had
sold it.
