On Sun, 10 Aug 2014 21:21:07 -0600, Janet Bostwick
> wrote:
> On Sun, 10 Aug 2014 14:31:08 -0700, sf > wrote:
> snip
> >I just use my boning knife, but I guess it really doesn't matter as
> >long as you separate it from the shell. If you do forget, you will
> >never forget to do it again.
> >
> >Happy birthday too!
> Boning knife sounds good. Birthday was in Feb., She got me a gift
> certificate. The boxes were not available when I was there until
> recently. But, thanks anyway.
So glad to hear that celebrating another birthday isn't out of the
question for you, Janet.
Avoid cutting yourself when slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them.