Free Kitten
On 8/10/2014 5:11 PM, Cheryl wrote:
> On 8/9/2014 10:22 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>> Meanwhile, I'm the one who had to chase down the insurance policies,
>> most of which Dad had let lapse. I'm the one who had to run around with
>> our mother, changing things like bank info and the utility bill, phone
>> service, DMV registration, from both their names to only hers. "Mr.
>> Executor" didn't lift a finger to deal with any of that stuff.
> All of those things you helped your mom with are difficult to deal with,
> and I'm sure it helped her a lot not to have to do it on her own. My mom
> did some of that stuff on her own, but some of it was handled by a
> living will both parents decided on about 10 years ago. The Living Will
> was a challenge to execute though, even though everything was put into a
> binder by the lawyers office. We worked on trying to finalize things
> for her after my dad passed for what seemed like months. I think some of
> the extra things like Verizon, getting it in her name, and even selling
> his car were difficult to do without him.
There's a heck of a lot involved, that's for sure. I can't think of one
good reason anyone would *want* to be the executor of an estate.