Thread: Free Kitten
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Ema Nymton Ema Nymton is offline
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Default Free Kitten

On 8/10/2014 10:32 PM, Doris Night wrote:
> On Sun, 10 Aug 2014 18:17:52 -0400, Nancy Young
> > wrote:
>> I wonder what will happen to the curved glass/clawfoot china
>> cabinet that my mother has at her place. It's been in the family
>> for however long. Who has room for such a thing? Well, my brother
>> does, and it would go great in his house, but with kids running around,
>> seems dangerous. Anyway, that's what comes to my mind when I think
>> of that, what will happen to possessions.
>>> I might leave all of this to my hairdresser - really.

>> Why not. Anyone who appreciates it and wants it.

> When my dad died two years ago, one of the things he left behind was a
> teak secretary desk, about 50 years old. It was almost a part of him -
> he had stuff sorted the way he wanted, there were clips hanging with
> things that only he could know the meaning of, and the drawers were
> full of mystery papers.
> We ended up with this desk at our house, and we had no interest in
> keeping it (we already had a lot of stuff from the estate to deal
> with).
> As it happened, the house next door to us had recently changed hands,
> and the new owners were looking for furniture. We gave them Dad's
> desk, and it fit beautifully in a little corner in their living room.
> It looked like it was meant to be there. I'm happy we gave it to them
> because the desk looks like it's glad to be there. Also, I can see it
> every time I go to their house. This would not be the case if we had
> sold it.
> Doris

Doris, it is nice when you find someone who is happy having something
that you no longer need. There is a Hispanic fella who has helped us
out, on the weekends (he does landscape & maintenance during the week),
and we offer him anything we no longer want/need. He will soon paint the
exterior of our house and he will put a new roof on the greenhouse. He
has a baby coming soon, so we are trying to give him all the work we can.
