On 8/11/2014 7:46 AM, sf wrote:
> I buy refrigerated pizza dough from the grocery store from time to
> time so I can see what the quality of prepared product is and bought
> some on Saturday because I was tired and feeling lazy. Well, I was so
> tired that I slept and didn't make dinner, so I used it for pizza
> yesterday. Normally, I'll add a little oil or salt to the dough - but
> it felt so good that I didn't do anything and oh my goodness, I think
> they've got it. It made a crispy crust without being hard. Excellent
> quality, but it was a little hard to form so I took my time and got it
> as thin as I wanted. Wow, lots of bubbles in the raw dough and the
> finished product was full of them. That's the way I like it!
> Something is odd over at Tinypic and I couldn't upload images, so I
> set up an account with Imgur. Different format, hopefully this link
> works because the account isn't public. http://imgur.com/DZrSH8g
That pizza dough looks pretty good, thanks for sharing the photo.