Who makes the good glass cooktops?
On 8/11/2014 12:06 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 8/11/2014 11:50 AM, Mayo wrote:
>> I avoid adaptive cruise control because
>> it feels wrong top let the slower car on the freeway set my speed.
> Sometimes you have no choice. Move to the left lane, but if the left
> lane is not open, you have to slow anyway. So why not let the CC do it
> for you?
It just feels like the slowest car in the lane sets the speed for all.
I'm not a speeder, but neither am I a dawdler.
Adaptive cruise limits choice.
But as in the driverless vehicle discussion, in areas where congestion
is king it may well be a stress lowering technology, not a bad thing at all.