Who makes the good glass cooktops?
On Monday, August 11, 2014 7:55:14 AM UTC-10, sf wrote:
> On Mon, 11 Aug 2014 07:29:55 -1000, dsi1
> > wrote:
> > On 8/11/2014 5:50 AM, Mayo wrote:
> > >
> > > The resistance will be strong - I avoid adaptive cruise control because
> > > it feels wrong top let the slower car on the freeway set my speed.
> >
> > Resistance is futile. Who the heck wanted air bags and front wheel
> > drive? Nobody.
> Air bags are fine with me. I'd rather have them than seatbelts.
> Front wheel drive would be great too if seatbelts weren't the law
> these days because there is no bump on the floor and a kid can sleep
> sprawled out down there while the other one sleeps on the back seat.
> The biggest thing I don't like about front wheel drive is the huge
> turning radius. Other than that, I have no complaints.
My assumption is that car design will change to firstly accomidate passengers since you don't need an engine up front nor would you need the safety of a crumple zone in front because we won't be hitting things in front of us. My guess is that the car of the future will be a one box design i.e., it's gonna look like a bus.
> --
> Avoid cutting yourself when slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them.