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Default Fish Tacos in San Diego (was garlic prawns in lemon)

Jim replied:

>> 2. Sending it back is a good way to ensure that the next time it emerges
>> from the kitchen it will have a load of phlegm enclosed.

> Typical troll bs. You've never watched their return process have you,
> clown? In my personal experience AND observation, the manager simply
> requests another new taco and the other gets trashed. And that is what I
> have seen/experienced in a half dozen Rubio's units. Next time in, I'll
> ask a couple of the managers about this. In a high volume place, it
> takes far too long to pull a taco in, grab a fresh tortilla and dump the
> fixings from one to the other. They just do another from scratch.

I didn't mean to imply that they would unwrap the tortilla, heat it up, and
use it to wrap the filling again. I'm sure they would make another taco.

But there's no need for name-calling. You said I should have sent it back. I
told you why I didn't. If you don't like my answer, that's too bad, but
there's no reason to attack me for providing you with the facts of the

I told you that I got a cold tortilla at Rubio's. I also said it wasn't a
big deal. But you decided to escalate this issue, wildly ranting as if there
was no POSSIBLE way that I could have gotten a cold tortilla, and that I
should have wasted another half-hour of my life in returning the taco and
getting another one. Whether you like/believe it or not, many people
working in food preparation jobs DO resent it when you return food, and
there IS a good chance that your food will be tainted if you prevail upon
them to fix what they messed up.

What's your problem?
