Peanuts on the floor
On 8/12/2014 10:01 AM, Sqwertz wrote:
> On Tue, 12 Aug 2014 07:03:38 -0400, jmcquown wrote:
>> It's a stupid idea. If you had slipped and fallen you could have sued
>> them. John and I ate in a place like that once and I did slip and fall.
>> They hastily sent a manager to the table who took down all my info.
>> About a week later I got a call to make sure I was okay. They were in
>> CYA mode, making sure I wasn't planning to sue their asses off. I
>> probably should have sued, mostly because the food wasn't all that great.
> Loose peanut shells provide a lot of traction.
The last time shells were used for traction they were ground walnut
shells used in snow tires back in the late 50s.
Peanut shells on a finished wood floor are like ball bearings, fool.
> Must have been the
> wine doing the walking.
> -sw
Does it handle most of yours?
Boones Farm, or MD 20-20?