lobster tail prep-what do you like?
On 8/12/2014 10:01 AM, Ema Nymton wrote:
> On 8/11/2014 6:03 PM, Janet Wilder wrote:
>> My birthday is Wednesday, the 13th. Will celebrate with a shot in the
>> AM for platelets and the washer repair man and the water softener repair
>> man in the afternoon. Maybe I should get a cake and share it with the
>> repairmen?
>> Can't do chemo. I had a bag of platelets on Friday and by this morning
>> platelets were lower than they were before Friday's infusion. I have to
>> get a series of 5 shots to build them back up. Had one this morning and
>> a bag of platelets this afternoon.
>> After my blood comes back, hopefully this week, we see the radiologist
>> and try to treat with radiation. I am fighting as hard as I can, but I
>> have no weapons. Doctor is optimistic.
>> I am just plain ****ed off and frustrated at the whole business. I want
>> my life back.
> Hang in there, lady, this is just another speed-bump in your road of
> life. Your doctor is optimistic and so am I. Next year, you will be able
> to celebrate your birthday by having a nice dinner with a glass of wine,
> you will be both happy and healthy. I am going to count on that.
> Becca
Thanks, Becca.
From somewhere very deep in the heart of Texas