Salmon disaster redux
On 8/12/2014 12:17 PM, ImStillMags wrote:
> On Tuesday, August 12, 2014 11:07:43 AM UTC-7, Mayo wrote:
>> I'm not going to let you nor your ilk turn this into a Luddite spiral
>> downward where we all sit around the last beeswax candle and ponder why
>> there's no bread on the shelves or lightbulbs that turn on anymore.
>> Understand?
> I understand you perfectly.
I seriously doubt that.
> You cannot think beyond what is now.
An utter lie.
> Those apologists for fossil fuels, like you,
I apologize for nothing. I take the good with the bad.
> refuse to accept that there are alternatives
I pay a voluntary surcharge on my utility bill each month to support
"green" alternatives, try again.
> and that the only reason we do not have those alternatives already is because of the grip the fossil fuel industry has on politics, the economy and the minds of those who will not look at a future without them.
You seem to know next to nothing about cost/benefit or the over 3 dozen
green energy company failures who were handed subsidies by the government.
> There is no reason that we have to "starve to death and freeze in the dark".
There is if we stop using oil or coal - it's called cost effective,
transferable energy density.
> Your embrace of the fearmongering that has gone along with the contemplating of alternatives
I have no fear of wind nor solar, I already support them.
> is what holds you and everyone like you back.
I'm held nowhere - if I decide to buy a Tesla and transfer my energy
load from oil to coal and gas, I'll do so.
Understand please that a Tesla is not solar panel chargeable.
>But fortunately there are those who are working diligently to wean the
planet off this poison.
Now how well did that play out for the battery companies that went
under, or Solyndra, or Fisker?
> It could be done very quickly if the resources that have been used to perpetuate the myth of fossil fuel dependence was put towards developing all the alternatives that are already available to us.
I suspect you have little if any clue what goes on at NREL, Oak Ridge, etc.
What you do have is a loud and uneducated demeanor and an insulting manner.
Neither one of those questionable attributes will win you any respect
nor new adherents.
Frankly when it comes to "fear mongering", the enviros are past masters
at playing Chicken Little.
So spare me your wit and piety, the moving hand has already writ and
moved on.
Are we clear now?