On Tuesday, August 12, 2014 9:10:10 AM UTC-7, ImStillMags wrote:
> http://blog.skytruth.org/2014/08/lan...ley-spill.html
> move the line in the picture to see what is happening.
The SAME company that built this failed dam has -- incredibly!!! -- been hired to work on dam(s) for the apocalypic Pebble Mine project in Alaska. Can't beat that for undue influence.
Americans and Canadians would do well to unite under the banner of a powerful environmental organization like NRDC (National Resources Defense Counsel) which has been fighing the Pebble Mine project withe some success.
Do we want another Mt Pooley in Alaska? Do we want to ruin perhaps the BEST salmon area in the country? On which large numbers of people depend for food?
(Note: I have no connection wih NRDC except as a longtime supporter.)