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Mayo Mayo is offline
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Default Ordered a NuWave Induction cooker

On 8/12/2014 1:06 PM, Janet Wilder wrote:
> I got my blood-builder shot this morning and a shot of B-12 to boost
> energy so I took myself shopping and brought a magnet with me. Got a
> large skillet and a small skillet and a medium pot. Thought I was
> buying a small pot at BB&B. It wasn't in a box. She went and found one
> in a box, but when I got home it was a double boiler which I did not
> want. Have to take it back.
> Also went to Bealls and with a 25% off coupon bought myself a couple of
> cute tops and a pair of cargo capris in a color I was missing. Then I
> went to Ross, where I found a pot (others were at Marshall's) and bought
> myself 2 dresses with the Tuesday geezer discount. I think one might be
> good for the reunion. The other will probably sail with me to Europe in
> November.
> Also got a big bag of dog food. I never fed the dog, it was Barry's
> job, so I didn't know how fast it got used up. Mickey eats his fill and
> leaves the rest, so I mostly feed him the kibble once a day, but he
> takes a bigger scoop than I'd have thought. He's still at a good
> weight, so I'm not worried. Got $5 off the bag with coupon Sherpa on my
> smartphone. If you haven't tried this free app, you should. All kinds
> of store coupons.
> Also went to Sam's and got steaks to freeze. OMG meat has gotten so
> expensive! I bought 3 rib eyes, each good for two meals for me and they
> were $30!
> Found that they finally carried my favorite breakfast cereal and got
> some of those and they had a good deal on canned, Alaska pink salmon. I
> am making salmon croquettes and spaghetti, a favorite comfort meal,
> tonight. I used the self-checkout for my 3 items and was out in a flash.
> The salmon is a good source of calcium, especially when I mash in the
> bones. I am on steroids, so I need a lot of extra calcium.
> Came home and made two chili dogs for lunch and had my daily bowl of
> tapioca pudding with mango, papaya and blueberries (washed n vinegar
> water and rinsed) with a little home made, extra-thick whipped cream.
> I may be ready for a nap.
> Tomorrow is my birthday so I got me some presents. The washing machine
> repair man is due at 11 AM and the water softener repair man is due at 1
> PM. I'm thinking of getting a little Dairy Queen cake and celebrating
> with the repair men. :-)

Now THAT was a day!

You go girl.