On 8/12/2014 5:05 PM, Hypatia Nachshon wrote:
> On Tuesday, August 12, 2014 9:10:10 AM UTC-7, ImStillMags wrote:
>> http://blog.skytruth.org/2014/08/lan...ley-spill.html
>> move the line in the picture to see what is happening.
> The SAME company that built this failed dam has -- incredibly!!! -- been hired to work on dam(s) for the apocalypic Pebble Mine project in Alaska. Can't beat that for undue influence.
> Americans and Canadians would do well to unite under the banner of a powerful environmental organization like NRDC (National Resources Defense Counsel) which has been fighing the Pebble Mine project withe some success.
> Do we want another Mt Pooley in Alaska? Do we want to ruin perhaps the BEST salmon area in the country? On which large numbers of people depend for food?
> (Note: I have no connection wih NRDC except as a longtime supporter.)
> HB
True believers like yourself are largely immune to solutions, just