Posted to
Bodega Cats
Sheldon merrily wrote:
> Julie Bove wrote:
> >"Brooklyn1" wrote:
> >> Meow:
> >>
> >
> >Very cute but thankfully I never had to shop in a store that was in that
> >much of a decrepit state.
> That's not very nice, those are small mom n' pop groceries, they're
> obviously cleaner/neater than any big box stores.
> Um Bove, we've seen your mailbox and the exterior of your house... if
> that's indicative of how you live then compared to inside your abode
> those bodegas are like Trump Towers... I'd love to see a wide angle
> view of your kitchen... before you fumigate the roaches. You can't
> even post neatly, ALL your posts look like used TP... but you're not
> alone, most posters here make no attempt to trim, they leave their
> posts looking like used TP because that is exactly how they live. If
> how you trim your posts is any indicator of your personal hygiene then
> you haven't washed your ass in over a year... probably the last time
> your butt was scrubbed your momma did it... in grade school the kids
> nick named you maggot crotch... and them ain't no measly fruit flies
> whizzing about your ass, those are humongous horseflies... some are so
> big they're saddled, and ridden by cockaroaches playing polo! Some of
> your horseflys are so huge they can be body doubles for the Budweiser
> Clydesdales... wait-a-minute... now we're getting into sf territory!
> Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. . . .