"Mayo" > wrote in message ...
> On 8/12/2014 3:24 PM, Paul M. Cook wrote:
>> "ImStillMags" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On Tuesday, August 12, 2014 12:13:27 PM UTC-7, Paul M. Cook wrote:
>>>> "ImStillMags" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> On Tuesday, August 12, 2014 11:38:06 AM UTC-7, Paul M. Cook wrote:
>>>>>> If you aren't a PR rep for the mining inudustry you are in the wrong
>>>>>> business.
>>>>> I was about to ask if he was employed as a propagandist for the
>>>>> industry,
>>>>> you beat me to the thought.
>>>> He's good, I'll give him that.
>>> The one thing he fails to address in all the information he cites is
>>> that
>>> where does the funding come from? Follow the money. Who does it
>>> benefit, this so solid sounding information? Too much disinformation
>>> floating around out there.
>> I would imagine that to properly build, line and then recover a 580 acre
>> tailing pond 100 feet deep in toxic sludge would require more money than
>> the
>> mining project could ever produce.
> And once again you let your "imagination" lead you to conclusions devoid
> of fact.
You're the one dreaming up "liners" for ponds so big they could cover Lake
Erie. Do you think Home Depot carries them?
>> It is like "clean coal" technology the
>> coal industry spouts. It simply does not exist.
> That's another lie.
It does not exist. Period. It is a term manufactured by the industry
marketers. The extraction of coal is a horribly polluting and destructive
business all on its own.
> It existed as early as the mid 1930s in Germany - the Fischer/Tropsch
> process.
That is a proces Hitler used to convert coal into gasoline. It isn't used
now because of its enormous cost. Clean coal it isn't.
> Honestly, do you ever get tired of disseminating disinformation?
You top Newt Gingrich with your fantasy plans of hyper engineering saving
the world using technology that does not exist.
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