Peanuts on the floor
"sf" > wrote in message
> On Wed, 13 Aug 2014 06:02:34 -0700 (PDT), Cherry >
> wrote:
>> My theory is that the peanut allergy has only become common since
>> pregnant mums we're told not to eat peanuts during pregnancy, thus
>> depriving babies of a natural immunity.
>> The spike in the allergy is more prevalent in the western world. Go
>> middle east and far east they don't tell pregnant mums to eats nuts and
>> incidences of nut allergies are still very low.
> I've never heard of Dr's telling pregnant women not to eat nuts.
Me either. I did eat them. I also ate them while breast feeding. The
nurse that ran the breast feeding class told us not to change our diets
because people all over the world were eating all sorts of things and those
babies were fine. She did say that if we noticed that something we were
eating/drinking *was* bothering our baby to stop it but otherwise, carry on.