On Wednesday, August 13, 2014 7:01:19 PM UTC-7, dsi1 wrote:
> On 8/13/2014 2:46 PM, wrote:
> > On Monday, August 11, 2014 10:29:55 AM UTC-7, dsi1 wrote:
> >> Resistance is futile. Who the heck wanted air bags and front wheel
> >> drive? Nobody.
> > I wanted front wheel drive when I was driving through snow five months
> > a year. And airbags don't bruise you as much as that shoulder harness does.
> Well, I wasn't talking about you - you're like the only person that
> thought FWD was wonderful. Everyone else was bitching about it. Ain't
> you supposed to be wearing your seatbelts with airbags?
Weight over the driving wheels is the main thing. VW Bugs were pretty good
in the snow, too.
When you're in a wreck, if there is no airbag your body propels you till
the seat belt stops you, leaving a bruise.