Coin counting
"Doris Night" > wrote in message
>>> Here, the one in Raley's is by the front entrance to the left and close
>>> to
>>> Red Box, the one in Safeway is in the main store close to the lottery
>>> machine and customer service when you leave checkout, the one at S-Mart
>>> is
>>> directly to right of the front entrance.
> I didn't know what the heck a Red Box is, so I googled it. It's for
> returning DVDs?
Renting and returning. I think we only used it three times. One when my
daughter was sick and stuck at home. Then again when they offered me a free
one. Then again when she begged and whined because whatever she wanted
wasn't on Netflix. They are, IMO a PITA. Then again, I would never
willingly rent a video anywhere.
> And I also googled for coinstar locations, and there is only one in my
> area. It's about 20 miles from my house in a store I shop in
> occasionally, and I don't remember ever seeing it in there. The next
> closest one is about 50 miles away.
> I guess they aren't too popular in Canada
Maybe your banks still accept coins?