Thread: Ferguson, MO
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Paul M. Cook Paul M. Cook is offline
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Default Ferguson, MO

The cop will never see a day in jail. He'll never even see a court trial.
The police chief of that town appears to be a hard core bigot and the county
DA has come out and said the governor had no authority to take the county PD
off the case an said he shamed them. And he's the man who will file
charges - or not. I am betting on not.

"Bryan-TGWWW" > wrote in message
> This has become international news, and we here in StL can hardly avoid
> hearing about it. The way it looks is that a Ferguson cop decided to
> bully a couple of young Black men for walking in the street instead of on
> the sidewalk. Ferguson is ~2/3 Black, and the police dept. has 50 White
> officers, and only 3 Black officers. The cop picked a fight, and after he
> reached out his patrol car window and grabbed the 18 YO by the neck, the
> cop
> drew his gun, and accidentally discharged it in the car. The kid ran
> away,
> and the ****ed off cop pursued him and executed him.
> Does the cop, if convicted, deserve the death penalty? I say, "No," but
> if
> he were tracked down and strung up (lynched), it would send a message to
> other cops to cut the shit. He chose to act like a warrior, a combatant,
> instead of a peace officer, and if he were killed, well, he was one more
> soldier who made a stupid, arrogant decision, and his life is the only
> thing
> that will make peace. When one engages in war, and kills, he is a
> legitimate
> target for retaliation by the folks he has made war against.
> If the facts in the case are as they seem to be, life without parole seems
> to be the least sentence that will deter future conduct of this type. A
> law enforcement officer should, IMO, be held more, not less accountable
> for murder than a civilian. My son made the point that if it were a Black
> cop who killed an unarmed White man under identical circumstances, the
> case
> would be being handled differently.
> More White folks are adding their numbers to the protest, in the spirit of
> Freedom Summer. I may be there myself tomorrow, and I predict that the
> White participation will continue to grow, and maybe we can help stop our
> fellow White folks from persisting in thinking that only minorities see
> racial profiling and bullying as unacceptable.
> --Bryan

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