Thread: Ferguson, MO
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Default Ferguson, MO

On Thu, 14 Aug 2014 20:19:44 -0700, "Paul M. Cook" >

> The cop will never see a day in jail. He'll never even see a court trial.
> The police chief of that town appears to be a hard core bigot and the county
> DA has come out and said the governor had no authority to take the county PD
> off the case an said he shamed them. And he's the man who will file
> charges - or not. I am betting on not.

OOOH, lawn chair and popcorn time! Looks like there'll be a showdown
in MO to see who has the real power. In the mean time, the US
Attorney's Office will be investigating and issuing charges
independently if anything is found to be amiss... so the local yokels
could be caught with egg on their face if they don't reflect most, if
not all of the Federal charges (if any).

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