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Coin counting
"notbob" > wrote in message
> On 2014-08-15, Doris Night > wrote:
>> On Thu, 14 Aug 2014 18:00:41 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>>Maybe your banks still accept coins?
>> Yes, they do. I took about $25 in coins to the bank about a month ago.
> Yep. Yesterday, I took about $55 in coins to my local bank for free
> counting.
> If you really do end up with a lotta coins, you might check yer local
> small bank or credit union. When the big bank chains and big casinos quit
> providing this service, a lotta small local banks chose to provide this
> service as a way to attract customers. I get free checks, MOs,
> coinage, etc, and I barely use this bank often enough to cover admin
> costs. Still, nice to have a local bank to fall back on.
> Beware small town banks, though. Mine loudly and publicly admonsished
> me for uttering a single curse word in their presence. Like being
> boxed on the ears by yer mom. (gulp)
lol that'll teach ya <g>