Thread: Coin counting
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sf[_9_] sf[_9_] is offline
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Default Coin counting

On Fri, 15 Aug 2014 07:30:30 -0700, "Cheri" >

> do you know it will be there? You don't, unless you reserve it,
> and if it's not in at one location, online can show you at what Redbox
> nearby where it's available. Give it up Julie, reserving online is the way
> to go, and then you really "don't have to go through things." I can sort of
> see where you have some of your problems with shopping and things since
> planning ahead saves a lot of time and energy.

Occasional movie watchers don't care. If it's there, it's there and
if it's not - maybe it will be there next time. It's just one of
those Us and Them things that avid watchers don't get. Sometimes, I
want to see a movie. If I do and it's in my husband's queue, I'll
move it closer to the top, but never to #1. Even the movies I select
on my own (maybe 3 times over the last "god knows" how many years)
don't go to the top - #3 is as close as they go. I can wait because
I'm not an avid movie watcher and most of the time, the movie bores me
enough that I don't even watch it all the way through anyway.

Avoid cutting yourself when slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them.