Thread: Ferguson, MO
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Paul M. Cook Paul M. Cook is offline
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Default Ferguson, MO

"Dave Smith" > wrote in message
> On 2014-08-14 11:19 PM, Paul M. Cook wrote:
>> The cop will never see a day in jail. He'll never even see a court
>> trial.
>> The police chief of that town appears to be a hard core bigot and the
>> county
>> DA has come out and said the governor had no authority to take the county
>> PD
>> off the case an said he shamed them. And he's the man who will file
>> charges - or not. I am betting on not.

> It will be interesting to hear the other side of the story. I saw a video
> of the victim's friend describing what had happened and it didn't make
> much sense. It seems they was just walking along the road.The cops
> stopped and cursed at them for walking on the road. Then the cop pulled up
> and tried to pull the kid into the car and already had his gun pulled?
> The victim them ran away, stopped and put his hands up? Meanwhile, the
> friend was running away because he was fearing for his own life, and still
> managed to see what had happened. There are some credibility issues.

Where? They were 100 feet from his house walk-in towards it. The copy said
"get the **** onto the sidewalk" and apparently the murdered kid said "we're
almost where we're going." Cop didn't like that and decided to teach the
punk ass a lesson about messing with his bad ass. When the boy pulled away
then he pulled his weapon and apparently he fired a round into the vehicle
by mistake.

So far two more witnesses have come foreward and pretty much corroborated
original witness. And they are very credible. Neither say the murdered
young man had his hands inside the vehicle.

Face it, white cops execute black people. Happens all the time. Four times
this month alone if you include the executed cigarette seller.

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