"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 8/15/2014 1:13 PM, Janet wrote:
>> In article >, says...
>>>>> I don't
>>>>> really have any stuff to make soup
>>> I don't have the ingredients to make soup
>> What, you've got no canned beans and tomatoes, no onions, garlic,
>> herbs, no carrots, lentils, peanut butter, fresh green or frozen
>> vegetables? None of those things in the house?
>> Janet UK
> Seems to me just last month she "scored" on all sorts of canned goods (and
> soda pop).
Last month? Certainly not. I don't need canned goods. I got soda pop but
that was last month. Surely you don't think that I still have that! I have
to buy soda pop every week. I did stock up enough to have some for two
weeks. I did say that I was finding really good prices on canned goods. I
didn't buy them because I already have plenty. I am trying to use those up
now and get fresh for the winter. But as I said... I have no need for a
big pot of soup. It's summer and I am here alone. If I were going to make
it just for me, I'd pay through the nose and get stuff from the salad bar to
make a small pot.