Thread: OMG it's cold!
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default OMG it's cold!

"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 8/15/2014 5:50 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On 8/15/2014 12:10 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>> "sf" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> On Thu, 14 Aug 2014 17:58:50 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> I did a little grocery shopping today and decided to have a hummus
>>>>>> wrap for
>>>>>> dinner. But... Our warm and slightly muggy weather has now changed
>>>>>> to cold
>>>>>> and super muggy weather. My body is wanting soup! What to do, what
>>>>>> to do?
>>>>>> I am sounding like that Pooh Bear person now. I don't really have
>>>>>> any stuff
>>>>>> to make soup although I do have a few cans of soup. Those don't
>>>>>> sound good.
>>> Then quitcherbitchin.
>>>>>> Perhaps I will just have the hummus wrap along with some vegetable
>>>>>> broth?
>>>>>> Hmmm...
>>>>> I didn't follow this to the T.
>>>>> Mexican Fiesta Soup with Roasted Tomatillo and Cilantro Pesto
>>>>> You'd substitute vegetable stock.
>>>> That looks good except for the avocado and sadly I have found that for
>>>> most things, subbing in vegetable broth leaves it lacking in flavor.
>>> You said you don't like soup made with vegetable broth because it
>>> lacks flavour. Yet you were going to have vegetable broth and a
>>> hummus wrap. Make up your mind. Do you like vegetable stock or not?
>>> Hope you feel better.
>>> Jill

>> That's not what I said. I said when I use a recipe that calls for
>> chicken broth but I sub in vegetable, the flavor profile isn't right. I
>> certainly do use vegetable broth in vegetable soup.

> Oh... the "profile". So sorry!
>> As it turns out, I am sick. Might be a migraine.

> If you'd ever had a migraine you would not have to guess.

Believe me I have had them and not always the same kind. This seems to be a
mild one. Not the full blown aural stuff. And when it struck, we were
having lightning. What I saw, didn't quite seem like lightning nor was it
as pronounced as the aura that I sometimes get. But because I was able to
lie down right away, I think it kept it from progressing.