Thread: Ferguson, MO
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Mayo Mayo is offline
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Default Ferguson, MO

On 8/15/2014 4:43 PM, John Kuthe wrote:
> On Fri, 15 Aug 2014 16:17:18 -0600, Mayo > wrote:
>> On 8/15/2014 1:50 PM, John Kuthe wrote:
>>> On Fri, 15 Aug 2014 12:10:25 -0600, Mayo > wrote:
>>>> On 8/15/2014 10:22 AM, Bryan-TGWWW wrote:
>>>>> On Friday, August 15, 2014 11:06:42 AM UTC-5, Brooklyn1 wrote:
>>>>>> Dave Smith wrote:
>>>>>>> Paul M. Cook wrote:
>>>>>>>> The cop will never see a day in jail. He'll never even see a court trial.
>>>>>>>> The police chief of that town appears to be a hard core bigot and the county
>>>>>>>> DA has come out and said the governor had no authority to take the county PD
>>>>>>>> off the case an said he shamed them. And he's the man who will file
>>>>>>>> charges - or not. I am betting on not.
>>>>>>> It will be interesting to hear the other side of the story. I saw a
>>>>>>> video of the victim's friend describing what had happened and it didn't
>>>>>>> make much sense. It seems they was just walking along the road.The cops
>>>>>>> stopped and cursed at them for walking on the road. Then the cop pulled
>>>>>>> up and tried to pull the kid into the car and already had his gun
>>>>>>> pulled? The victim them ran away, stopped and put his hands up?
>>>>>>> Meanwhile, the friend was running away because he was fearing for his
>>>>>>> own life, and still managed to see what had happened. There are some
>>>>>>> credibility issues.
>>>>>> Anyone willing to hear facts rather than spout off ignant supposition
>>>>>> would have known that big doofuss was no innocent, he was being sought
>>>>>> for a strong arm robbery and when confronted resisted... stay tuned
>>>>>> for more facts... all over the noos this AM. BTW, turns out the
>>>>>> victim's friend was his accomplice in committing the robbery... all on
>>>>>> surveilence video. Stay tuned until the fat lady sings.
>>>>> You're getting two different North St. Louis County shooting cases mixed up.
>>>>> Michael Brown was guilty of nothing more than jaywalking.
>>>> How do YOU know that ?
>>>>> The other guy who
>>>>> got shot probably deserved it.
>>>>> --Bryan
>>>> How do YOU know that?
>>> Easy when you have Narcisstic Persobnality Disorder. The only
>>> poassible truth is YOUR truth! ;-)
>>> John Kuthe...

>> Hah!
>> Lots of narcissists out here!

> Many more in politics, or show business (like there's a difference!)

Well stated.

> Some neuroses allow people to lead very financially successful lives.
> Look at Robin Williams, Bipolar like me!! Does not mean it's healthy.
> Look how it worked out for Mr. Williams! :-(
> John Kuthe...

To be fair the Parkinsons diagnosis looks to have been the trigger, not

Sounds like yours is treated, good on you.