Thread: OMG it's cold!
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default OMG it's cold!

"Janet" > wrote in message
> In article >, says...
>> "Janet" > wrote in message
>> t...
>> > In article >,
>> >>
>> >
>> >> >> I don't
>> >> >> really have any stuff to make soup
>> >>
>> >> I don't have the ingredients to make soup
>> >
>> > What, you've got no canned beans and tomatoes, no onions, garlic,
>> > herbs, no carrots, lentils, peanut butter, fresh green or frozen
>> > vegetables? None of those things in the house?
>> >
>> > Janet UK

>> I can't eat lentils. They spike my blood sugar. Only fresh vegetables I
>> have are onions, potatoes, lettuce, two bell peppers, baby carrots and
>> celery. Of course I have beans of all kinds and lots of canned veg.

> So you did have the ingredients to make soup.
> Another Bove fantasy bites the dust

OMG! I didn't have ingredients for the kind of soup that *I* would want to
eat. Particularly yesterday when I wasn't feeling well. Or in the
quantities that I would have needed. As it turned out, I had no broth
whatever, that I can eat. There is one can of chicken broth out there. My
cans of vegetables are all around the 14-16 oz size. Not really sure what
size they are now and not going to check but I do know that one can split
between two of us is what we eat for dinner. Yeah, it's a little more than
one serving each but we love our veggies. When I do canned veggies for the
three of us, that's where I have that little bit left over. And when I get
enough of those, that's when I make soup.

Sure, I could open several cans of things and make a big pot of soup but a
big pot of soup is not something I want in the summer. I was very low on
fresh foods and I wanted it to be that way. I did stock up on a few things
at Costco today and I also stopped at the grocery store for some canned soup
because I mostly only have bean with bacon. I do have some others but they
are not things that I particularly like such as Campbell's tomato. I do
like tomato. Just not theirs. Also have chicken and noodle which I can not
eat. Was rather appalled at the price of canned soup at Albertsons. $1.99
each! Will remember to get more next time I go to Winco as it is far
cheaper there.

Do you always have to get up on the wrong side of the bed?