Ferguson, MO
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Dave Smith[_1_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 35,884
Ferguson, MO
On 2014-08-16 10:15 AM,
>> Yep. We had that sad story about the cop picking on this poor innocent
>> black kid for simply walking on the street and the cop escalating the
>> confrontation into a shooting. Then it turned out that the kid was not
>> so innocent and the eyewitnesses story is bullshit.
> The youth was innocent of anything to the cop when he stopped him.
That is a really bizarre way of stating it. The kid was apparently not
"innocent of anything" when he was stopped. It would be more accurate to
say that they cop did not know that the kid he had just stopped had just
robbed a store. The kid knew that he had just robbed a store, and now he
is face to face with a cop and he didn't know that the cop was unaware
of his crime.
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Dave Smith[_1_]
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