Coin counting
On 8/16/2014 11:21 AM, Janet Bostwick wrote:
> On Sat, 16 Aug 2014 11:03:50 -0400, jmcquown >
> wrote:
>> I was trying to figure out the name of an old movie based on the actors
>> a couple of weeks ago. I found it and my SO suggested I rent it from
>> the Red Box. Okay, there's probably a Red Box at Publix but unless it
>> fell on me I sure wouldn't know. I said to him, honey, the movie was
>> made in 1962. I doubt they're stocking classic films in those machines.
>> I'm not interested in the latest Disney release or vampire or zombie
>> movies. Has there even been a good movie in the last few years?
>> Jill
> No, you won't find it. They do new releases and they don't have the
> large numbers of copies you used to find in, say, Blockbuster. They
> move the 'new releases' out as soon as something better comes along or
> rentals drop on a movie.
> Janet US
Don't make me laugh. I had a Blockbuster card and John and I were on a
trip out of town. The hotel room had a DVD player so we went to
Blockbuster thinking we'd rent a movie. The clerk at Blockbuster
insisted he had to call home to confirm I was 'allowed' to rent a movie.
I said, "Who do you expect to answer the phone, my cat?!"