Dish drainer crisis
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Dish drainer crisis
On Fri, 15 Aug 2014 23:23:57 -0700 (PDT),
>On Thursday, August 14, 2014 12:32:17 PM UTC-7, MaryL wrote:
>> wrote in message
>> ...
>> has several Rubbermaid dish drainers that have far more positive
>> than negative reviews. It's not a product that would get extremely hard
>> wear. You can see some on amazon he
>> 20drainer
>Though Rubbermaid changed the product substantially in the last several
>years, Amazon lumps reviews of the old satisfactory model with the new
>unsatisfactory model.
That's not true. When you do your seach there will always be a
conspicuous notice on the page advising of a replacement product, the
replacement product will have its own page with its own reviews,
then it's up to each person to decide if the replacement is better or
worse... and you can still buy the older model up until it's sold out,
there is typically a notice indicating how many are remaining when
there are only a few left in stock. Hardly a week passes I don't buy
something from Amazon, this past week I bought 4 solar mole spikes, a
heavy duty tarp, and two Rubbermaid sink mats... two separate cartons,
both arrived within the week. Two weeks prior I bought a bicycle rack
for my vehicle, there was notice of the new model and that's the one I
bought... the reviews for the old and new were each different and from
different people.
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