Thread: Ferguson, MO
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Ferguson, MO

On 2014-08-16 12:05 PM, Brooklyn1 wrote:

> So far the public doesn't know what occured during the
> confrontation... and it's not known for cedrtain he was unarmed... he
> did have an accomplice who could have absconded with a weapon. There
> are a lot of what-ifs, could-haves, etc., right now no one knows for
> certain... time will tell. Most people are at times
> confronted by police, I certainly have been, several times because
> when younger I liked fast cars and admit to speeding all the time,
> just no one gets caught breaking traffic laws each time they do. I've
> gotten dozens of speeding tickets, in many states, I've never been
> hassled. All ya gotta do is obey the troopers instructions, make no
> sudden moves, and answer questions politely... accept the summons and
> most hassle you'll get is being told to have a nice day.

From my experience being the one handing out tickets I can tell you
that attitude goes a long way. There were a lot of cases where I tried
to give warnings. Most people appreciate warnings and for minor
infractions it frees you up to look after bigger issues. If the person
wants to argue about it ..... give him the ticket and let the JP decide.

I used to always give a lot of warnings about seat belts. It was an
easy one to beat in court because they would usually lie and said they
had their belts on. So much easier to smile and tell them they are life
savers so wear it. I once had a guy tell me "I am not going to wear my
seat belt and you can't make me." He got a ticket.

I If the person is a complete ass and verbally abusive.... multiple
charges. Instead of one ticket and warnings for the others.... tickets
for all of them. If a person lies and obstructs.... multiple charges.

They are usually referred to as attitude adjustment charges. AAs. It
was standard procedure to make prints of computer records for driver
licenses and vehicle registration as part of the evidence. It was also
SOP to check the person's conviction record. It was never much of a
surprise that the belligerent jerks' records often showed repeat
incidents of multiple attitude charges.

If you are having a bad time with the cop don't be an ass yourself. Stay
calm and make notes. If someone was being a real ass and I figured he
would put up a fight in court, I always made sure to make meticulous
notes. Proper notes made at the time have more credibility in court
than memory only at trial time. If things went well and a ticket was
issued, notes were brief and it would be a real surprise to go to court
and not have the information.

Don't rant and rave that you are going to report him for his bad
behaviour. Most of the guys who threatened to report me never did. If
they did threaten to report me I always contacted my supervisor to make
sure he had my side of the story first. As long as i had gone by the
book I had nothing to fear.