Thread: Ferguson, MO
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Mayo Mayo is offline
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Default Ferguson, MO

On 8/16/2014 7:12 AM, James Silverton wrote:
> On 8/16/2014 9:05 AM, wrote:
>> On Sat, 16 Aug 2014 22:52:09 +1000, JohnJohn >
>> wrote:
>>>>>> Certainly looked like him on video footage - but should the sentence
>>>>>> for unarmed robbery be death ?
>>>>> No, but I know lots of people who never robbed a store and who were
>>>>> also never killed by a cop.
>>>> A negative does not disprove a positive. Basically it leaves this
>>>> argument where it began - why did the cop see fit to gun down an
>>>> unarmed man ?
>>> Maybe he was a racist. But at least he didn't kill an innocent person.
>>> That would have been even worse.

>> So because he allegedly robbed a store unarmed, it's okay to kill him?
>> The cop didn't know about the robbery, so as far as he knew he was
>> just a mouthy youth walking down the middle of the street.
>> When I was a student we painted a crosswalk where we felt there should
>> be one in the middle of the night. We were caught and hauled away but
>> we weren't shot and ultimately we didn't even have a record.

> It makes me think that the Ferguson Police Chief is afraid for his job
> and is trying any desperate excuse.

Quite possible.