"Alan Holbrook" > wrote in message
. 130...
> jmcquown > wrote in news:c59k2vFfcs3U1
> @mid.individual.net:
>> On 8/16/2014 1:32 PM, Tara wrote:
>>> I love having time to myself. I like to take myself out to lunch when
> I
>>> am shopping. I bring a book and enjoy some peace.
>>> Tara
>> Same here, Tara. I'd take a book and have a nice quiet lunch where I
>> didn't have to fill the void with pointless chatter or shop talk with
>> co-workers. Time to recharge my batteries.
I really don't know why
>> there is a stigma attached to eating alone. It's not something
>> shameful, as the topic of the post suggests.
>> Jill
> For me, when I was a road warrior, it was never a question about feeling
> uncomfortable dining alone. It was more an issue with restaurants
> _making_ me feel uncomfortable. The single diner takes up a table that
> would generate more revenue if two, three, or four people were seated at
> it. So a lot of restaurants try to hustle the single diner through a
> meal by bringing out all the courses within a couple of minutes of each
> other and stacking plates on the table. Then while you're still working
> through the salad that's there at the same time the entree is there and
> getting cold, they bring you the bill and slap it down. A couple of
> times, I've asked for the manager and gently asked if this is the
> restaurant's policy to treat singles that way, and suddenly, the pace
> slows to something more enjoyable.
I've had the same thing happen with 2, 3 or more people at the table.
Granted, I am a slow salad eater but usually my food comes before I've eaten
even half of the salad.