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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default "Are You Ashamed to Eat Out Alone?"

On 8/17/2014 8:59 AM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 8/17/2014 12:54 AM, Julie Bove wrote:

>> I am just the opposite. If there were people around to talk to, I'd
>> talk to them and not read the book. Reading is only something I do to
>> fill time. Or if I have a need to read the specific material. I would
>> never read a book at a restaurant though. I find that to be rude. I
>> would do it at a coffee shop though. Lots of people do that.

> Why is my sitting by myself reading a book in a restaurant rude? I
> don't ignore the server when they come by to see what I want or ask if
> I'd like my coffee refilled. I'd rather read than sit and stare off
> into space or try to strike up conversations with strangers at the next
> table. I'm there to eat, not to socialize.
> Jill

It is not rude. Rare that I'd want to socialize with random strangers
at dinner. The table is mine for the duration of the meal so if I want
to read, I'm going to read.

An exception is a restaurant in Boston, the "No Name" where you sit
mostly at picnic tables with whoever happens to fit. It is BYOB and
often strangers will share a beer from a six-pack with newcomers that
don't know the policies. Great seafood at really great prices.

It has no outside sign and is on a fishing pier where you can watch the
boats unloading what you may be eating.