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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default Dish drainer crisis

On 8/17/2014 11:41 AM, Janet Wilder wrote:

> First, your hands are clean after washing them with soap, so, unless you
> are failing to properly wash your hands, it is no less unsanitary to use
> a cloth towel than a paper towel.

In theory, but not in practice. If you were correct, a towel would
never need washing.

> Second, you are not killing trees for a misguided reason.

Paper towels and TT use a lot of recycled paper. Doing laundry uses
precious water and adds chemicals that must be treated. Pretty much a
wash, you might say.

> Paper towels do have their place and I do use them, but I keep a clean,
> terry, hand towel right near my sink on the handle of my oven and I dry
> my hands with that. I change the towel several times a week.

Easy with one or two people, but less so with five people in the house,
all using the kitchen and bathrooms.