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Michael Nielsen[_4_] Michael Nielsen[_4_] is offline
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Posts: 498
Default "Are You Ashamed to Eat Out Alone?"

On Monday, August 18, 2014 12:38:08 AM UTC+2, dsi1 wrote:
> I like sitting by myself at a small table - it's a good change of pace
> from having to be constantly chatting away with somebody. I get to widen
> my field of view and just watch what people are doing at my leisure.
> Unfortunately, these days I tend to be looking at my cell phone rather
> than where I should be - at the life happening around me. I gotta create
> a rule to stop this behavior. One thing I won't ever do is read a book
> in a restaurant.

Books swallow you so you wont be able to sniff the air, catch the ambiance, study the other people. With your phone you can still do that. I sometimes have by wife on chat on it and tell her about what Im experiencing. Often Im just sitting there taking it in. Sometimes there's a guest next to you that you start talking to, other times it is the staff or the owner that's up for a nice chat. Anything can happen - if you are not too swallowed up by a book or the phone.