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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 46,524
Default Dish drainer crisis

"jmcquown" > wrote in message
>>> Julie Bove wrote:

>> You people *here* claim that I say odd things. I happen to think that
>> many of you are odd. But perhaps it's just an age difference. I don't
>> know. I wouldn't live the way a lot of you do or do the things you do
>> but I also really don't care. Why people here care so much about what
>> *I* do is simply beyond me.

> Here's a thought: stop writing paragraphs filled with long-winded
> diatribes about the minutiae of your life.
> Really, did we need to know about some sort of fungal infections on your
> body? Good lord. RFC is not your friggin diary.

If you don't want to know, then stop asking me *why* I do things! Since
everyone here knows that I was in and out of the hospital many times and was
on antibiotics for months on end, what did you think the end result would