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Mayo Mayo is offline
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Default It's official, it was suicide

On 8/18/2014 9:07 AM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 8/18/2014 10:59 AM, Gary wrote:
>> jmcquown wrote:
>>> I was a fan of Williams as a comedian and an actor, but I still don't
>>> understand why choose that method of death. Hanging has got to rank
>>> right up there as one of the most gruesome ways to go. What a horrible
>>> image to leave your family.

>> many more gruesome ways to do it. How about a shotgun to the head and
>> have brains and skull pieces splattered everywhere? Sadly my own SIL
>> hung herself only a few months ago. I don't consider suicide a selfish
>> act like others here have said. When you are that bad off, you just
>> want to end it all. It's pretty much your own life which you have
>> control over. Very sad situation in all cases.
>> G.

> I've mentioned before, my SO's father blew his brains out and he had to
> go clean up the mess. That is not an image you want someone to have to
> remember. Same thing with finding someone hanging.
> I'm sorry about your SIL. I still think it's a gruesome image to leave
> with your family.
> If things are really that bad, drink a bottle of booze and take a bunch
> of pills, then lie down and die.
> Jill

I think the problem with that scenario is that it is not always a
certain end.