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Ema Nymton Ema Nymton is offline
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Default "Are You Ashamed to Eat Out Alone?"

On 8/18/2014 2:50 PM, Moe DeLoughan wrote:
> On 8/17/2014 4:03 PM, graham wrote:
>> On 17/08/2014 1:24 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>> On 8/17/2014 1:26 PM, wrote:
>>>> You are overlooking the fact that these days it is much more difficult
>>>> for older men to find women who would jump at the chance of marriage
>>>> and thereby give them a housekeeper to no doubt replace the one who
>>>> died. I know that sounds cynical but when you have been used to free
>>>> housekeeping...
>>> You have a point but the opposite is also true. I know men that
>>> have to
>>> fight off the women that are looking for sex and/or financial security.

>> Especially the latter!

> There are a number of guys I've known who were completely obsessed with
> money. All their lives, they kept careful track of their savings and
> investments. At any moment they could (and would) tell you their net
> worth. They were extraordinarily cheap. They never had wives or
> girlfriends, because they counted those as expenses, and unnecessary
> ones at that. Until they reached retirement age, that is. At that point,
> they decided having someone look after them as they aged and their
> health declined was fiscally prudent, and so they went out and found
> themselves mates.

What he would like to find, is a "nurse with a purse."
