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Default Explosive Rye Starter!

Hi everyone again!

I woke up very interestingly this morning.. My girlfriend runs in before she
leaves for work and wakes me up yelling.... "DAN! Your sourdough exploded
all over my laundry room overnight!!! Get up and clean it!!"

I immidately thought the worst, I envisioned it covering the walls, roof,
and floor..... perhaps drenching out washer and dryer with yeast and
lacto-stuff... i trugded out of bed to examine what kind of monster I've

Today is day 3 of my rye starter, and fortunately, it just rose so much
overnight that it overflowed my 5 cup glass container, lifted the lid, and
spilled out the sides.

after examining it, of course, the starter that has flooded dried out, but
inside the container the goop sunk down to about the 2 cup line, and after
stirring, rests at the 1 cup line looking fine and still alive.

I was merely wondering if now would be a good time to feed it (I was
considering moving it to another container to mix and give the old one a

My concerns were that maybe (because the lit was crooked open) it has gotten
infected or anything. Should I have any worries?

