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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Dish drainer crisis

"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 8/16/2014 7:14 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On 8/16/2014 6:16 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> On 8/15/2014 9:31 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>>>>> On 8/15/2014 2:56 PM, Janet wrote:
>>>>>>>> One in each bathroom.
>>>>>>> Paper towels in your bathroom at home? Urk.
>>>>>>> Janet UK
>>>>>> You have a problem with sanitation? Of course we have regular
>>>>>> towels,
>>>>>> but there are times a paper towel is better to use. Need to wipe the
>>>>>> vanity top or toilet seat? What would you use, your hand towel?
>>>>>> Our household also has a very low incidence of colds and other
>>>>>> illnesses
>>>>>> and that may be a factor.
>>>>> No one (heh) has problems with sanitation, Ed. Lots of us simply
>>>>> don't keep rolls of paper towels in our bathrooms. When I clean the
>>>>> toilet, I use a toilet brush, not paper towels. When I clean the
>>>>> sink/vanity or tub, I use a clean cloth which I can wash.
>>>>> Guess what? I haven't had a cold in decades. :-D
>>>> And you live alone. Right?
>>> What does my living alone have to do with paper towels in the
>>> bathroom? It's easy enough (for most people) to walk to the kitchen
>>> and grab a couple of paper towels, then walk back to the bathroom. I
>>> walk from the bathroom to the kitchen every day. It's no great
>>> hardship.

>> Because if there is only you, then you can't pick up anyone else's
>> germs.

> Oh, because I live alone you think no one else is ever in my house?
> Bzzzzt! I have people in and out of here all the time. Living alone does
> not mean I live in a freakin' bubble. Don't talk to me about germs.
> You're the germiphobe here, not me. You've got practically every
> intolerance known to man.
>> My SIL noticed that she isn't getting sick nearly as often now
>> that she only uses paper towels to dry her hands with. She uses several
>> different bathrooms that have several different people using them.

> You could say the same thing about any public restroom with paper towels.
> Even at the cheapest gas station.
>> It might be easy for *you* to walk to your kitchen. You're not
>> disabled. I am. I also keep cleaners in the bathrooms too. And a
>> reaching tool in almost every room of the house.

> I have yet to discover what this disability of yours is. It apparently
> doesn't stop you from running around to stores, schlepping Angela to and
> from dance class and shopping all the time. Whatever this "disability"
> is, it sure doesn't seem to slow you down.

I don't know why I am getting these posts so slowly. It most assuredly does
slow me down. I take take about 30 steps before needing to stop to rest.
And it is not just one thing. I have posted of my medical problems here
before. Not going to do it again.

I can drive perhaps 12 miles each way, provided I have a long rest before
returning home. Any more than that and my legs start cramping. I can shop
in a store provided I can part close to the entrance and can get a shopping
cart. I do not do well in stores with no shopping carts. I need one for
balance. I can not walk well without support. In my house I have things
placed here and there so that I can grab onto if I need to. And I have lots
of visual clues to aid me. I can not sit for extended periods of time or my
legs will cramp.

I don't schlepp and I do most of my shopping online.