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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Report on our own recipe for a feta burger

Steve Freides wrote:
>Well, they were _delicious_. My wife cooked them (while I was at the
>doctor w/ one of our boys) and said they were so messy that the grill
>was impossible, and that even cooking them in the cast iron skillet
>wasn't easy.

Why messy?

>After the patties had been in the refrigerator for a few hours, we took
>a look at them - they hadn't leached out enough water to make a puddle
>on the plate, so we figured they were dry enough.

Why would burgers exude liquid?

>We will definitely do this again. I think keeping the veggies in bigger
>pieces makes sense, or at least some part of them in bigger pieces.


>Thanks for the input, folks - well, thanks for most of it, anyway ...
>Further suggestions will be entertained, especially if they're

What kind of burgers? Beef with fehta is definitely TIAD.
With fehta use rank meat; lamb, goat, or camel.