Senior Member
Location: Foat Wuth
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Originally Posted by Janet Wilder[_4_]
I know that many of you have sent thoughts and prayers my way, so I feel
obligated to share some news.
With doctor permission, I started taking vitamin K-2 supplements on
Friday. Today my platelets were up to 44,000 from a low of 13,000 on
Thursday. No new bruising or bleeding.
I have been having a terrible weakness in my thighs and legs causing me
to have a walker wherever I'm sitting as I can't always get myself up.
I think this is from the steroids, so I discontinued them today, with
doctor permission, and hope to start feeling a lot better without them.
He ordered me some kind of breathing machine which I can't figure out,
Home Health Care and Home Physical Therapy.
Had my first radiation treatment today. I'm so happy to just be doing
something positive to treat this beast. 34 more treatments to go. Will
have to do a few double-ups to make my flight on October 8.
Will have steak for dinner tonight, with more green food on the side.
Made a big bowl of chopped chicken livers to snack on with crackers
before the TV. Got to get in as much iron and calcium as I can.
Also got the go-ahead to take some big doses of B-12 for energy.
The chicken came out very nicely on Friday. Still leftovers and would
appreciate any hints to hide dark meat. All I can think of is chicken
salad with lime-mayo, celery and onion.
The induction cook top finally came today. Might try it to saute some
green food with dinner.
From somewhere very deep in the heart of Texas
Prayers continue. Hang in there.