> Have fun with it. It sounds like you are off to a good start...
As much as my mouth has been watering to have some sourdough to eat, these
past 3 days have been really fun. I suppose it's more fun because of the
information provided to me from this newsgroup and it's very friendly
subscribers. Without this knowledge, I wouldn't know exactly that what I'm
doing is growing a culture, not just preparing to make a constant supply of
yummy sourdough. Knowing the facts and the way stuff works (which I might
add is an awesome website
www.thewaystuffworks.com ) makes it that much more
Instead of slouching in a chair waiting and waiting for a good batch of
sourdough, I've actually kept myself occupied reading as much about the
process as possible. It's amazing how much more in depth and technical
baking sourdough is, rather than just a plain 'ol normal loaf of white
I've been watching my starter grow, feeding it when it's hungry, smelling it
on occasion (makes the g/f want to throw up, but I love the smell), and
basically doing just what you said Kenneth, having a good time.
Baking sourdough is a lot more fun than I imagined - I'm glad that my
stomach was in the mood for sourdough, otherwise I never would have looked
for a newsgroup, and learned as much as I have. My father wanted to make a
sourdough starter a long while ago, he's passed since then, but he never
actually did it. I'm kinda living some experiences for him - I know he would
have had a blast had he actually taken the time.
At this point I realize that this newsgroup is as sourdough newsgroup, and
I'm straying from the topic, lol.
Anyhow, yes, I'm having a blast (imagine that coming from a 20 year old
guy... lol) making my sourdough. And I still can't wait to eat it.
By the way, I've got a digital camera, and was thinking of posting pictures
to share on occasion - Is there a limit to how big they should be?